
.NET Core 3.0.0 Preview 4 - April 18, 2019

.NET Core 3.0.0 Preview 4 is available for download and usage in your environment. This release includes .NET Core 3.0.0 Preview 4 and .NET Core SDK 3.0.100 Preview 4.

If Visual Studio is your preferred environment, you will need the lastest preview of Visual Studio 2019 (v16.1) to take full advantage of the .NET Core 3.0 Preview.

Blog Round up

The .NET Core SDK 3.0.100 Preview 4 includes .NET Core 3.0 Runtime so downloading the runtime packages separately is not needed when installing the SDK. After installing the .NET Core SDK 3.0.100 preview, the following command will show that you’re running version 3.0.100-preview-011223 of the tools.

dotnet --version

Your feedback is important and appreciated. We’ve created an issue at dotnet/core #2603 for your questions and comments.


  SDK Installer1 SDK Binaries1 Runtime Installer Runtime Binaries ASP.NET Core Runtime
Windows x86 | x64 x86 | x64 | ARM x86 | x64 x86 | x64 | ARM x86 | x64 | ARM |
Hosting Bundle2
macOS x64 x64 x64 x64 x641
Linux Snap Install x64 | ARM | ARM64 | x64 Alpine - x64 | ARM | ARM64 | x64 Alpine x641 | ARM1 | ARM641 | x64 Alpine1
RHEL6 - x64 - x64 -
Checksums SDK - Runtime - -
Symbols - - Runtime | Shared Framework | Setup - ASP.NET Core
  1. Includes the .NET Core and ASP.NET Core Runtimes
  2. Note, the Hosting Bundle has an issue with the ASP.NET Core Module. If you would like to install the ASP.NET Core Module, please install the 3.0 Preview 4 Hosting Bundle and run the executable on a command line with the paramaters OPT_NO_SHAREDFX=1 OPT_NO_RUNTIME=1. Then install the appropriate .NET and ASP.NET runtimes.

Docker Images

The .NET Core Docker images have been updated for this release. Details on our Docker versioning and how to work with the images can be seen in “Staying up-to-date with .NET Container Images”.

The following repos have been updated

Notable Changes in 3.0.0 Preview 4

A few changes have been made which could result in subtle changes of behavior in existing code.