.NET is supported by Microsoft and by various commercial vendors and the community on multiple Linux distributions.
.NET can typically be run on any Linux distribution, via:
Microsoft builds have multiple dependencies that must be installed:
Microsoft builds supports both glibc-based and musl libc-based Linux distributions, per the following minimum version information.
You can use the following pattern to determine the libc version provided for your distribution.
On Alpine 3.16:
# ldd --version
musl libc (aarch64)
Version 1.2.3
On Ubuntu 22.04:
# ldd --version
ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.35-0ubuntu3.1) 2.35
Microsoft builds support both OpenSSL 1.x and 3.x and can be run on distributions with either version of this package. For example, Ubuntu 22.04 only includes OpenSSL 3 in its official package archive.
Microsoft builds will generally load the highest OpenSSL version it finds, but can be configured to use a specific version.
Microsoft builds support multiple Red Hat versions. New .NET versions will typically only be supported on RHEL era distributions in active support.
Red Hat family distributions include: AlmaLinux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Rocky Linux.
Red Hat supports .NET via Red Hat Enterprise Linux, per the following.
Canonical supports .NET on Ubuntu via APT archives, per the following.